Legal RFP software consulting services
I am a firm believer in RFP software technology. It seems that there are more entrants into corporate legal technology software arena every day. This software streamlines and automates the legal RFP process and centralizes your outside counsel engagements and pricing quotes.
The automated scoring feature is very helpful is. Using Excel templates requires a lot of time and work going through each category to ensure there were no errors from all the copy and pasting of questions into the document not to mention the work it takes to unbundle all the responses and score them.
The software systems have a question library that allows you keep your past RFP questions in a centralized repository for easy withdrawal for the next RFP.
I help in-house legal departments in the selection and implementation of RFP software systems as it can be a difficult and expensive process. I speak on the topic of analytics and technology and would be pleased to discuss these kinds of systems with you.
I also help with RFP processes to inure you create best practices while using RFP software.
If you would like to learn more about my RFP consulting services and how they will benefit your , please contact me.