I have helped my clients
compete and win $3 BILLION
in competitive bids.
- Law Firms
- In-House Legal Departments
Proposal Writing & Analysis
Need some help with proposal writing? I can assist by writing small-to-large-scale and complex joint partnership proposals from low to high value. My expertise covers proposals to the private and public sectors, and Public Private Partnerships (P3s).
RFP Best Practices for Buyers of Legal Services
Creating an RFP for legal services can be challenging. In this Master Class you will learn how to create better RFPs for legal services.
Meet your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirements
Workshop: Strategic Proposal Management
Learn how to apply best practices of proposal writing.
The Silver Bullet:
How RFPs Are Won
A strategic guide for procurement and the pricing
process to help significantly
increase your win rate -
and more.

The “Great Resignation” and Its Impact on the Legal Industry
Whether the “Great Resignation” will impact the legal industry ultimately may have to do with the alignment of what employees and employers separately want.
What Executives Want to Know about RFPs
The webinar is about recognizing that client presentations are all about the client and not the presenter or law firm. Techniques are shared on how to make presentations client-centric.
How to Prepare an RFP for Legal Services in Canada
Issuing a request for proposal for external legal services is a useful way to consolidate and create panels of law firms, or simply to find the best external counsel partner to assist with a particular matter in a cost-effective way.