Category: Law Firms

How Procurement Impacts Law Firm Selection

This course focuses on how procurement professionals and legal ops assist with the selection of law firms for matter and panels. 1. How your proposal is scored manually and by using proposal software 2. What procurement expects in pricing and alternative fee arrangements, and how…

The Future of the Legal Profession

Law firms and in-house lawyers need to understand the importance of each of these current topics to their practice. RFPs for legal services should contain questions on these topics.  Diversity and Inclusion Millennials vs Baby Boomers Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSP) Technology and Analytics Cybersecurity…

Know Your In-House Counsel’s Score

This course focuses on the key performance indicators (KPIs) and how they are used to measure performance by law firms and lawyers. 1. How General Counsel and procurement score proposals 2. What General Counsel and procurement expect in pricing and alternative fee arrangements 3. How…